Photograph of the Week
Photograph of the Week - Girls Just Want to Have Fun
Photograph taken by Pat Bailey. On Saturday August 20th the Leamington Tomato Festival Pageant contestants took time out to have a little fun at the new Splash Pad located at Seacliff Park.
Photograph Submitted by Lee-Ann Bradt
The Leamington Fire Service was called to a house fire in rural Leamington. In this photo is FireFighter Mastromatteo coming up thru the charred remains of the roof. He was making sure that the fire was put out.

Photograph of the week for April 4th to 10th. Submitted by Tom White. This was taken last fall in Essex County. He was out enjoying all the beautiful colours.
Photo of the Week March 21st - 27th Submitted by Tom White Was taken at the Pinery in 2010. The bird feeder was the perfect size for this little critter.
Photograph of the Week March 7th - 13th Submitted by Tom White This photograph was taken in Florida. It was taken in very dim light at iso 1600 set at f/13-1/320th ( all at a distance)
Photograph of the Week - february 7 to 13th Photo was submitted by Tom White. This was taken in Bradenton, Florida. He was approximately 6 feet away from this mom and her babies.
Reflections" - Photograph of the week for March 1st - 6th. Submitted by 13 year old Rebeccah Mullin from Wheatley. She took them her Nikon P100 camera.
Photograph of the Week March 14th - 20th. Photograph submitted by Rebeccah Mullin from Wheatley. Paintball - a close up of a paintball on a rock.
Photograph of the Week for March 28th to April 3rd. Photo submitted by Rebeccah Mullin from Wheatley.
Photograph of the Week for January 23rd to 30th 2011
Submitted by: Rebeccah Mullin (age 13)
This was taken at Point Pelee National Park while she was there for a Photography Workshop.
If you have an awesome photo that you would like to share please submit it to to see if it is our Featured Photo of the week.